Experience League | Image

Digital Asset Management in the Age of Machine Learning and Data Science

Table of Contents

Lab Overview

Machine learning and data science are reshaping how digital asset management systems operate by improving productivity and reducing time to market, while also generating new insights for marketers and content managers. With Adobe Experience Manager rapidly adopting these futuristic technologies and offering newer features, it is important for the users to discover how these advancements within AEM Assets can be incorporated in the current processes & workflows.

This lab aims to help you with the practical steps to leverage the advanced capabilities of AEM such as Smart Tagging to enrich your assets and derive more value out of them. You will also uncover best practices around enhancing the efficacy of search using features such as Visual search as well as Custom Smart Tags that help you contextualize auto-tagging to your business needs. Further, the lab will demonstrate how you can extend the reach of assets to more regions, channels and users by employing translation service in the most critical user action such as asset search.

Key Takeaways

Following are the key learnings that you will be able to take away after completing this lab:

  • Leveraging Adobe Sensei services to enrich the image metadata to power search experiences
  • Including machine-learning capabilities in your workflow to increase efficiency and reduce time to market
  • Utilizing the machine translation capabilities of AEM to extend the reach of the assets across regions, teams and all digital properties
  • Combining content with data to generate actionable insights for greater ROI and impact
  • Feeding the insights back into AEM for further enhancement of search and use of the assets


  • AEM Assets 6.5 Author instance
  • Smart Content Services
  • Oak Search Machine Translation library
  • Similarity Search Bundle (currently in Beta)


In this lab guide, we will use the following conventions:

  • Bold text to indicate any type of screen element, such as a button, as well as any keywords to be typed in. E.g. Enter folder name as Auto-Tagged
  • Underlined blue text for hyperlinks, URL. E.g. http://www.adobe.com

Lab Credentials

For access to any of the AEM environments, you need credentials. You will use the following user/password combination to login to AEM:

User: admin

Password: admin

For any references to lab credentials or a log in state of the exercises below, use the credentials given above.

You should be logged into AEM Author with Administrative Privileges.

If not: please take the following actions to log into the AEM Author environment

  • You will see the following Adobe Experience Manager sign in screen.

  • Use the following credentials:

Username: admin | Password: admin

Lesson 1: Drive up discoverability of assets through Smart Tags


  • Understand how Artificial Intelligence can help automate tagging and enhance discoverability of assets

  • Explore improve relevance of assets and efficacy of search through tag moderation capability

Lesson Context

When you are dealing with large volumes of assets, improper and inconsistent metadata/tags for the assets can be a huge problem. This makes it extremely hard to discover these “dark assets” later for use, thus increasing time to market significantly due to inefficiencies getting introduced.

Smart Tagging feature in AEM comes to rescue here by automatically identifying the relevant tags applicable to the assets using AI and allowing the marketer to manage these tags and enhance the discoverability of these assets.

In this lesson, we will leverage smart tagging to automatically tag assets that are uploaded into a particular folder and further learn how to moderate and curate the suggested tags


The following exercises will help you understand how to leverage the Smart Tagging capabilities of AEM. The exercises below assume that you are logged into AEM as described in Lab Credentials section on Page 3 above.

Exercise 1.1: Create a designated folder for Smart Tagging

With all the configurations in place, the authors can designate specific folders in which the assets are expected to be automatically tagged. The following steps show how to create such a folder in AEM.

Step1: Create a new folder

  • Having logged into AEM, go to the following location in your local AEM instance: http://localhost:4502/assets.html/content/dam

  • Click on Create button on the top right corner

  • Select Folder in the fly-out menu

  • Provide the Title for the new folder as Auto-Tagged

  • Click on the Create button to create the new folder

Step2: Enable Smart Tagging on the new folder

  • Select the Auto-Tagged folder by hovering over the folder name and selecting the check mark icon

  • Click on the Properties link in the top menu bar to open the folder properties

  • Check the Enable Smart Tags option and then click on Save & Close

With these steps, you have setup the Auto-Tagged folder to automatically tag any assets that are placed in this folder.

Exercise 1.2: Upload assets into the designated folder for auto-tagging

With the folder enabled for auto-tagging, it is now time to upload the assets that we want tagged, into this folder.

Step 1: Go into the folder

  • Go into the Auto-Tagged folder by clicking on the folder name

Step 2: Open the folder on the desktop that contain the assets

  • Open Finder on the desktop

  • Navigate to Desktop > Assets > Lesson 1 > Auto-Tagged folder

Step 3: Pull all the assets from the folder into AEM

  • Select all the files in that folder

  • Drag-&-drop them onto the AEM window in the browser

Step 4: View the asset properties to see the applied tags

  • Wait for the processing of the assets to be completed which may take 1-2 minutes, then refresh the page

  • Once the processing is done, all the assets are shown with a New label on the right corner

  • Check the properties of any of any asset by clicking on the “i” link by hovering over the file

  • Notice that several new tags have been added under Smart Tags section which is beneath the Tags section of the metadata form

Auto-tagging assets using workflows

There is an alternate way to auto-tag assets on demand instead of doing it on upload into AEM. This method is using the Smart tagging workflow. Following are the steps to be followed for it:

  • Navigate to the folder where the assets reside

  • Select the desired assets that need to be auto-tagged

  • Click on the Create link on the top left corner of the screen

  • Choose the Workflow menu item from the dropdown

  • In the Create Workflow dialog, select the DAM Smart Tag Assets workflow from the first dropdown

  • Enter a desired name for the workflow if you wish

  • Click on Start button to invoke the smart tagging workflow

Once the workflow completes by running in the background, the selected assets would have been auto-tagged by the Smart Tagging service

Exercise 1.3: Moderate the tags suggested by the Smart Tag service

While the AI algorithm does a great job of suggesting many relevant tags, the control is finally in the hands of the user to curate and refine the suggested tags further to boost the search-ability of these images that are auto-tagged by the algorithm.

In this exercise, we will look at how to moderate the tags on the assets in AEM

Step 1: Select folder or image for which tags need to be moderated

Step 2: Purge the unwanted tags that are not relevant to the asset

  • In the tag moderation screen, select the tags that are not relevant to the image, by clicking on them. For example, in the image below, consider the following tags are not relevant and select them by clicking on them

    • australia, melborne, asia
  • Once selected, click on Delete button on the top left part of the screen to remove these tags from the image

Step 3: Promote the relevant tags

  • We also want to indicate a higher priority to some of the more relevant tags by promoting them. We do this by selecting the relevant tags and clicking on the Promote button on the top menu bar. In this example asset, let us promote the following tags:

    • night, skyline, cityscape, lights, skyscraper

  • Finally click on Save button to save the changes done to the tags for the image

  • The Tag moderation screen allows you to switch between multiple assets of that folder and perform similar moderation on all the assets

With these steps, you have curated the auto-suggested tags to suit your assets while promoting the more relevant tags to boost the search-ability of these images greatly

Exercise 1.4: Experience the improved search efficacy with auto-tagged assets

By running the assets through the auto-tagging process, we have brought out the ‘dark assets’ to the surface with appropriate metadata information applied on them. In this exercise, let us see the effects that auto-tagging and tag moderation processes have on the search experience for the users

Step 1: Navigate to the Assets folder in AEM

Quick Tip: The Power of Omni-Search

Omni-search is the global search form available in the header section of AEM across all the pages. Omni-search allows you to quickly search within specific locations of AEM. For example, if you enter location a suggested list of applications will appear.

Select one and any search you execute will only generate results from that particular section of AEM. Quick way to make results granular and relevant!

You can open AEM Omni-search using either of the 2 options below

  • Option 1 – Shortcut: Hit the forward-slash key “/ “ to immediately open search

  • Option 2 – Navigation: Select the magnifying glass on the upper-right toolbar

Step 2: Initiate a new search using one of the promoted tags

  • Click on the lens icon at the top right corner of the screen to open the Omnisearch

  • Enter the term skyline in the Omnisearch and hit enter

  • The search results page will bring up the same image that we had tagged earlier using the Smart Tagging service

  • Notice that we had promoted the tag skyline earlier for this image which prompted the search engine to bring up this image in the results, despite the asset not having anything related in the name or description

Step 3: Initiate a new search using one of the deleted tags

  • Click on the lens icon again to open the Omnisearch

  • Enter the term melbourne in the Omnisearch and hit enter

  • This time the search results page comes back empty

  • You may recollect that the tag melbourne was deleted as part of the moderation step, which resulted in search engine skipping the skyline image for the search results

This exercise clearly demonstrates how the Tag management capabilities in AEM add value by making the assets more discoverable through the tags and also help in increasing the efficacy of the search through tag moderation.

Setting up Smart Tagging service on a new AEM instance

  • AEM integrates with the Smart Tagging service through the Unified Developer Portal that is part of Adobe IO ecosystem

  • Following tasks are to be performed for configuring the Smart Tags service in AEM:

  1. Obtain a Public certificate for OAuth integration in AEM

  2. Create the UDP integration on Adobe IO console to generate the API Key, Technical Account Id, Organization Id, and Client Secret etc.

  3. Finally update the cloud services configuration in AEM to establish the integration

Lesson 2: Enhanced Smart Tags for contextual auto-tagging


  • Understand how you can train the Smart Tagging service in AEM with your custom tags

  • Learn to apply the trained custom tags onto new assets ingested into AEM

Lesson Context

Enterprises are increasingly relying on rich metadata associated with their digital assets. This metadata is often organized into a controlled vocabulary in the form of a Taxonomy. While the Smart Tagging capability provides a huge productivity boost for tagging the assets, these tags are based on natural language vocabularies. Tagging the assets based on a custom taxonomy that is specific to each business or domain will take the discoverability of the assets to a whole different level.

To facilitate such Enhanced tagging capabilities, AEM allows you to train the Smart Tags service to take into account your custom taxonomy based on a set of sample assets that are representative of the concepts prevalent in a business or domain. The Machine Learning capabilities of AEM Assets will learn from the training assets and taxonomies and further apply those custom tags to the new assets coming in, thus making them more relevant.

The exercises in this lesson will demonstrate the Enhanced Smart Tagging capabilities in AEM and lets you understand the process to be followed to train and use the service effectively.


To demonstrate the Enhanced Smart Tag capabilities, the following exercises assumes that we are dealing with assets related to different types of Watches. The exercise will show you how we can train the Smart Tagging service to differentiate between Analog and Digital watches using a set of training assets. Towards the end of the exercise, we will upload a mix of both types of images and check how the tagging service automatically applies appropriate tags to the assets.

Exercise 2.1: Understand the need for a taxonomy for Custom Tagging

In order to train the Smart Tagging service with your custom tags, you have to have a well-structured taxonomy of tags that effectively represents the concepts applicable to your business or domain. For this lab, a sample taxonomy has already been setup, that you can use for training the Smart Tagging service. This exercise walks you through the sample taxonomy structure, in preparation for the next exercises.

Step 1: Review the taxonomy

  • Open Global Navigation by clicking on the AEM Logo ( ) the upper left corner of the screen.

  • Select the Tools () icon from the left railing. The right panel will default to General.

  • Navigate to the Tagging card on the right to open your Tag Manager console

  • Click on the Watch namespace in the left column to open the next level tags

  • You will notice that the taxonomy contains the following tags:

    • Watch > Analog Watch
    • Watch > Digital Watch

In the next exercises, you will be using these tags to train the Smart Tagging service.

Exercise 2.2: Setup the sample assets required for training

With the custom taxonomy in place, it is time to setup sample assets that are required for training the Smart Tagging service with the custom tags. This is done by uploading a sample set of assets that are representative of the concepts or tags that you want the smart tagging service to learn. This exercise demonstrates the process to carry out such a training.

Step1: Create the folder structure in AEM for training

  • Having logged into AEM, go to the following location in your local AEM instance: http://localhost:4502/assets.html/content/dam

  • Click on Create button on the top right corner

  • Select Folder in the fly-out menu

  • Provide the Title for the new folder as Watches

  • Click on the Create button to create the new folder

Step2: Enable Smart Tagging on the new folder

  • Select the Watches folder by hovering over the folder name and selecting the check mark icon

  • Click on the Properties link in the top menu bar to open the folder properties

  • Check the Enable Smart Tags option and then click on Save & Close

Step 3: Create the Sub-folders

  • Go into the Watches folder by clicking on the folder name

  • Follow the Steps 1 & 2 above to create two sub-folders within Watches folder, as per below structure:

    • Watches > Analog Watches
    • Watches > Digital Watches

  • Open the folder properties for both folders and enable Smart Tags for both folders (as done in Lesson 1)

Step 4: Upload the first set of sample assets for Analog Watches

  • Go into the Watches > Analog Watches folder in AEM by clicking on the folder name

  • Open Finder on the desktop

  • Navigate to Desktop > Assets > Lesson 2 > Train > Analog Watches folder

  • Select all the files in that folder

  • Drag-&-drop them onto the AEM window in the browser

  • Wait for the processing of the assets to be completed which may take 1-2 minutes, then refresh the page

  • Once the processing is done, all the assets are shown with a New label on the right corner

Step 5: Tag the assets with the custom tag for Analog Watches

  • Go into the Watches > Analog Watches folder in AEM

  • Click on Select All button on the top menu bar next to the Create button

  • In the properties screen, open the Tag browser by clicking on the check mark under Tags section

  • Navigate to Watch > Analog Watch in the tag hierarchy and select the tag, then click on Select button to apply the tag

  • Finally click on the Save & Close button on the properties screen, then check the Append option and finally click Submit to save the tag successfully.

Step 6: Upload a second set of sample assets for Digital Watches

  • Go into the Watches > Digital Watches folder in AEM by clicking on the folder name

  • Open Finder on the desktop

  • Navigate to Desktop > Assets > Lesson 2 > Train > Digital Watches folder

  • Select all the files in that folder

  • Drag-&-drop them onto the AEM window in the browser

  • Wait for the processing of the assets to be done which may take 1-2 minutes, then refresh the page

  • Once the processing is done, all the assets are shown with a New label on the right corner

Step 7: Tag the assets with the custom tag for Digital Watches

  • Go into the Watches > Digital Watches folder in AEM

  • Click on Select All button on the top menu bar next to the Create button

  • In the properties screen, open the Tag browser by clicking on the check mark under Tags section

  • Navigate to Watch > Digital Watch in the tag hierarchy and select the tag, then click on Select button to apply the tag

  • Finally click on the Save & Close button on the properties screen, then check the Append option and click on Submit button to save the tag successfully.

Choosing the Training Assets

Training the Smart Tag service to tag images automatically with custom tags requires certain qualities in the training images

  • Quantity and Size: Use about 25-30 images per tag with a minimum of 500 pixels on the longer side

  • Coherence: Images tagged with the same tag should be visually similar

  • Coverage: Have sufficient variety in the training images in terms of color, orientation and sizes of the same subject

  • Distraction/Obstruction: Lesser the distractions in the image and better focus on the primary subject, better will be the training accuracy

  • Distinction: Images representing each tag should be easily distinguishable from those representing other tags

  • Union: For those images that qualify for multiple tags, all applicable tags should be applied during training

Exercise 2.3: Run the Smart Tag Training workflow

Having setup sample assets with the necessary tags for training, the final step for successfully completing the training process is to run those sample assets through the training workflow so that the Smart Tagging service can process and learn the custom tags.

Step 1: Locate the workflow model for Smart Tags Training

  • Open Global Navigation by clicking on the AEM Logo () the upper left corner of the screen.

  • Select the Tools () icon from the left railing. Then select the Workflow item in the middle pane that opens up the workflow related cards on the right pane

  • Navigate to the Models card on the right to open your Workflow Models listing

Step 2: Start the Smart Tags Training workflow

  • Look for the workflow model Smart Tags Training in the workflow model listing page

  • Select the workflow model by hovering over the card and click on the check mark icon

  • Click on Start Workflow item on the top menu bar

  • In the popup dialog of the workflow, click on the browse icon under Payload field to select the right payload folder

  • Choose the parent folder Watches as the payload for the workflow by navigating to the path content > Assets > Watches and then clicking on the check box

  • Give a Title and Description of your choice in the workflow dialog and then click on Run button

  • This step triggers the Smart Tags Training workflow and lets it run in the background

  • Once this workflow is completed, the Smart Tagging service would have been trained with the custom tags that you had setup for the sample assets

Verifying status of the training

To check whether the Enhanced Smart Tags service is trained on your tags with the training set of assets, review the training workflow report from the Reports console.

  • Click on the AEM logo, and go to Tools > Assets > Reports

  • In the Asset Reports page, click Create

  • Select the Smart Tags Training report, and then click Next from the toolbar.

  • Specify a title and description for the report. Under Schedule Report, leave the Now option selected. Then, click Create from the toolbar

  • In the Asset Reports page, select the report you generated. To view the report, click the View icon from the toolbar

  • The report displays the training status for the tags you trained.

    • Green color in the Training Status column indicates that the Enhanced Smart tags service is trained for the tag.

    • Yellow color indicates that the service is not completely trained for a particular tag. In this case, add more images with the particular tag and run the training workflow to train the service completely on the tag.

  • If you do not see your tags in this report, run the training workflow again for these tags

Exercise 2.4: Apply Custom Tags to new Assets based on the training

Once the training is done, the tagging service is equipped to identify relevant assets that get uploaded and then automatically tag with appropriate tags.

This exercise demonstrates how the application of the previously trained custom tags works. In this exercise, we will upload some new assets into a designated folder and then validate that the trained custom tags are applied on them.

Step 1: Create a new folder for uploading test assets

  • Having logged into AEM, go to the following location in your local AEM instance: http://localhost:4502/assets.html/content/dam

  • Click on Create button on the top right corner

  • Select Folder in the fly-out menu

  • Provide the Title for the new folder as Watches Test

  • Click on the Create button to create the new folder

Step 2: Enable Smart Tagging on the new folder

  • Select the Watches Test folder by hovering over the folder name and selecting the check mark icon

  • Click on the Properties link in the top menu bar to open the folder properties

  • Check the Enable Smart Tags option and then click on Save & Close

Step 3: Upload test assets for auto-tagging

  • Go into the Watches Test folder in AEM by clicking on the folder name

  • Open Finder on the desktop

  • Navigate to Desktop > Assets > Lesson 2 > Test folder

  • Select all the files in that folder

  • Drag-&-drop them onto the AEM window in the browser

  • Wait for the processing of the assets to be done which may take 1-2 minutes, then refresh the page

  • Once the processing is done, all the assets are shown with a New label on the right corner

Step 4: Check properties of the assets for validating application of custom tags

  • Go into the Watches Test folder in AEM by clicking on the folder name

  • Select any asset by hovering over the asset and selecting the check mark icon

  • Click Manage Tags option from the menu bar at the top

  • You will notice that the asset would have one of the custom tags (that were part of the training) depending on which asset you are looking at

  • Use asset switcher arrows below the asset preview to switch between the assets and observe the application of the custom tags

  • You may also notice that some of the assets may not get any of the custom tags. This happens with the tagging service does not identify the subjects in the image correctly.

Any new assets ingested after the training can potentially be tagged with the custom tags based on the subject of the images being ingested


  • Allow use of non-English search terms for discovering useful assets
  • Understand the setup required to enable this capability in AEM

Lesson Context

Many enterprises have a streamlined process for production of assets that is done centrally. And often the assets are organized and setup with metadata and tags in English. However, the assets are required by the global teams for use in their regional digital properties. Discovery of the right assets continues to be a big challenge when a global team is trying use a centralized Digital Asset Management System.

AEM brings a versatile feature that allows global users search for assets in the language of their choice and use the assets effectively. With the Smart Translation Search capability, AEM automatically translates the non-English keywords into their equivalent English terms and brings up the relevant assets in the search results. And it offers this capability without the Asset managers spending any effort on tagging or organizing the assets to support the non-English users.

The exercises below will demonstrate how the feature actually works and also summarizes the pre-requisites and dependencies required for making this feature work.


This is a simple exercise that demonstrates the way marketers can use non-English keywords to discover assets of their interest. For this lab, your AEM instances have been configured to support searches in Spanish language as part of the Smart Translation Search capability.

Step 1: Navigate to the Assets folder in AEM

Step 2: Initiate the search with the non-English keyword through the Omnisearch

  • Click on the lens icon at the top right corner of the screen to open the Omnisearch

  • Enter the term corriendo which is the Spanish translation of the term running in English

  • The search results page will list all the assets that are related to the term running, even though the search was triggered with the word corriendo

  • You can try with additional Spanish terms such as – nadando (swimming) , bosque (forest) etc. and cross check against the results for the corresponding English keywords

The same feature will work for broader searches in AEM across the content from Sites and Assets, when initiated from the home screen of AEM.

Setting up Smart Translation Search

AEM for Smart Translation Search requires setup and configuration of some additional libraries as well as configuring the right language packs that contain the translations used by AEM. The following steps describe the process to setup Smart Translation Search:

  • Download and install the Oak Search Machine Translation OSGi bundle

  • Download and unzip the Apache Joshua language packs

    • The language packs are part of the Apache Joshua projects and are available at : https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/JOSHUA/Language+Packs

    • Edit the joshua.config file and comment out the lines that start with “feature-function = LanguageModel…

    • Move the unzipped Apache Joshua language pack folder to “.../crx-quickstart/opt/<source_language-target_language>

  • Restart AEM with updated heap memory allocation that is more than the size of the language pack

  • Finally register the language packs in the OSGi configurations for the Oak Search bundle

    • For each language to be supported, create a new OSGi configuration entry for Oak Machine Translation Fulltext Query Terms Provider service

    • Provide the path to the Joshua config file along with the Node types for which the translation should be employed during search

The detailed steps to configure the Smart Translation Search are described on the following page: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kt/assets/using/smart-translation-search-technical-video-setup.html


  • Understand how AEM Visual Search allows image assets to be searched starting from an existing image
  • Learn how to enhance the omni-search experience using image filters in addition to keywords

Lesson Context

Experiences expressed visually are more appealing compared to the expression in words. The same principles apply to discovery of assets as well. While the rich metadata on the assets really helps the users search and locate for the right assets, the ability to search more assets similar to a given assets immensely helps the users to locate the right assets.

The Asset Visual Search feature in AEM brings this ability in the hands of the marketers. With this feature, the users can not only look for more assets similar to any given asset, but it also helps the users refine the search greatly using the visual content of an asset.

This exercise demonstrates the usage of the Visual search feature in AEM and provides a preview of the necessary configuration required to make this feature work.


Step 1: Navigate to the ‘Auto-Tagged’ folder that we created earlier

Step 2: Choose the ‘Find Similar’ action from the ‘More actions’ menu for any of the asset

  • Hover on the image that you are interested in, then click on the ellipsis () icon to open More actions menu

  • For this example, we are using the image with lake and clouds that together form a clear subject to search for

  • Then click on the Find similar item from the drop-down list

  • The search results page loads up with results of images that are similar to the one that we initiated the searched with (containing subjects like clouds, lake etc.)

  • Also notice on the search form at the top of the results page, it now has a small thumbnail of the image against the search was triggered, to indicate what results are being shown currently

This exercise demonstrates an alternate way the Visual search can be used to discover the right assets in AEM.

Step 1: Navigate to the Assets folder in AEM

Step 2: Search the Asset repository with a keyword

  • Invoke the search with the key watch

  • You will see the results page with different images of watches

  • Hover on any digital watch and open the More actions menu

  • Choose the Find similar action from the drop-down menu

  • You will see that the search results page now shows digital watches based on the updated request

  • Again, notice the Omnisearch area that the thumbnail view of that asset is visible there against which the search was further triggered

Availability of Visual / Similarity Search

The exercise above was a sneak preview of the Visual search capability that will be introduced into AEM product eventually. The feature is still in development and internal testing phases. It will be made available to the AEM customers at a later time.

Bonus Demo: Unlocking value with the power of Asset Insights


  • Know how Asset Insights can help uncover the ROI for the assets that your enterprise has invested in
  • Learn how to attribute the user engagement and conversions back to the creative and content strategies
  • Explore how you can bring back insights into AEM to increase the efficacy of search and use of assets

Lesson Context

Asset Insights provides a capability that is unique to AEM which allows the marketers to measure the use and reach of their assets across different digital properties and thus derive insights around the efficacy of the assets. While the default Asset Insights capabilities provide a view into the usage of the assets, it is possible to extend the scope of the insights to associate the assets to business-centric metrics such as successful conversions and revenue.

This demo aims to walk you through the possible approach for enhancing the Asset Insights implementation to derive deeper insights around the use and reach of assets and thus helping the marketers fine tune their asset and content creation strategies for the future campaigns.


Assuming that the AEM server has already been configured with Asset Insights, this section outlines the additional steps required to enrich the insights gathered for the assets and further use them to drive better search and reuse of assets in AEM.

Step 1: Setup profiles to apply custom metadata

  • The insights around the assets can be enriched by capturing and sending relevant metadata for each asset out to Analytics

  • This is best enforced by using a Metadata Profile that is configured to apply appropriate metadata on the relevant folders

  • In the subsequent steps, this custom metadata will be sent over to Analytics so that it can add to the dimensions for drawing insights

  • For example, you can capture the type of product image being used on the website, apart from the default asset clicks and impressions coming asset insights. You can do this by doing the following:

    • Create a custom metadata field called Focus, that can indicate whether the image is focused on the product only or has a model promoting the product

    • Create a metadata profile for product focused images that automatically sets this metadata field to Product

    • Similarly Create another metadata profile for product images with a model that automatically sets the metadata field to Model

    • Finally apply the profiles on appropriate folders so that the images get the right metadata values when uploaded

Step 2: Upload the custom metadata into Analytics as Classifications

  • With the right metadata applied against the relevant assets, the next step would be to extract the metadata out of AEM

  • Using the Asset Reports feature of AEM, you can extract both the Asset ID (jcr:uuid) as well as the metadata fields applicable into a CSV file

  • Finally upload this data into Analytics using the Classification Importer. Ensure that the data format is compliant to the standards defined by the importer

Step 3: Use Analysis Workspace to create suitable reports & views

  • Analytics would now have the asset usage data coming in from the pages through the Analytics calls and it also has the classification data for the assets that was uploaded in the previous steps

  • Using the Analysis Workspace, you can create different views and reports by playing with the combinations of the different dimensions that are part of the standard Asset Insights as well as the custom metadata that has been brought in through classification

  • You can combine the Asset Insights data along with the other data and events triggered on the pages to form associations of key metrics such as conversions and revenues with the corresponding assets used on those pages

Step 4: Export the report data including the metadata associations

  • Having setup necessary visualizations in Analysis Workspace to bring out the deeper insights around the assets, it is now time to export these insights along with their correlations to the asset ids

  • The export operation creates a CSV file containing the various dimensions mapped to the corresponding asset ids

  • Create additional columns with derived fields based on the metrics received from Analytics. For example, based on # of views or Cart values associated with the assets, you can infer popularity and hence efficacy

Step 5: Import this data into AEM as metadata

  • For you to use these insights back in AEM, you have to import these values as metadata that are applied on the corresponding assets in AEM

  • You can do this operation with the help of the Bulk Metadata Import capability of AEM

  • The import file should contain the asset path mapped to the dimensions pulled out from Analytics and it should comply to the format prescribed by AEM

  • On successful import operation, the custom dimensions pulled from Analytics are get applied as metadata applied on the corresponding assets

Step 6: Create Smart Collections using the enhanced metadata

  • With the dimension from the asset insights now being available as metadata, it is possible for the users to search for assets based on these dimensions

  • Further setting up Smart Collections will automatically collate all the related assets into that collection thus making it extremely easy for users to find assets and use them in the right contexts

Next Steps

In this lab, you have explored how AEM helps you enhance the discoverability of assets and improve the search experience using Machine Learning and AI capabilities of AEM. Following are some suggested next steps towards adopting these features:

Smart Tagging

  1. Establish robust taxonomies and metadata schemas for all asset types
  2. Enforce metadata standards through appropriate metadata profiles
  3. Layout a clear strategy and identify assets where you can train the auto-tagging service with your business-specific tags
  4. Enrich the quality of metadata for assets using Smart Tagging service that leverages the custom training
  1. Identify the main languages that the users of AEM Assets use
  2. Ensure that all the key assets are tagged through the Smart Tagging process
  3. Install and configure the Apache language packs for the identified languages in AEM
