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Drive Cross-Channel Marketing in Adobe Campaign

Table of Contents

Lab Overview

In this session, you will set up a cross-channel marketing campaign in Adobe Campaign Standard. Based on a use case, you will learn how to ensure that your messaging is consistent and personalized. You will leverage the latest Adobe Campaign capabilities such as the new Email Designer, Direct Mail, and the In-App messaging channel.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to create a cross-channel marketing campaign workflow
  • Understand how to configure email, direct mail, push notification and In-App Message deliveries
  • Understand how to segment your audiences based on their reaction to the campaign


  • Adobe Campaign Standard 19.1

PLEASE NOTE: You should have a paper with your participant number at your workstation, e.g. “01”. This number gets used for many purposes during the lab (e.g., for login credentials, your demo site URL, delivery naming etc.). Wherever you see “XX” in this lab manual, replace it with your participant number.

Lessons 1 - Build a Cross-Channel Workflow


  1. Understand the business case
  2. Understand how to set up a cross-channel workflow
  3. Learn how to configure email, SMS, push, and direct mail

Lesson Context

Luma, a sports fashion and gear retail company, is introducing a new mobile app: The Luma App allows users to browse products and other information without having to login. Additional functionality becomes available when a user registers with the app. This also allows Luma to send targeted and personalized Push as well as In-App messages to the registered customers.

Luma is launching a marketing campaign to promote this new mobile app to their loyalty program members. The goal is to incentivize them to register with their member ID by offering 20% discount on their first purchase through the Luma App. The campaign will run until end of April 2019. The loyalty program members will be contacted through their preferred communication channel first.

In this lesson we will create the cross-channel workflow this campaign requires.

Expected Result

Before we get started, let's take a look at the workflow we will be creating:

Figure 1: Workflow

Figure 1: Cross-Channel Workflow

  • Luma is targeting loyalty members, so the workflow starts with a query, defining the target audience based on their membership.

  • The objective is to get these customers to subscribe to the Luma App, so we need to make sure that the deliveries only target members who are not yet subscribed to the application.

  • We have to assume that some loyalty members might have downloaded the Luma App from the app store and have already registered. We do not want to send these customers an invitation, but will also offer them a 20% discount as a thank you.

  • The loyalty member audience is therefore divided into two segments:

    • Subscribed: As these customers already have the app installed, we will send them the promotion through a Push notification.
    • Not subscribed: We will target the customers based on their preferred channel and will re-target them based on their reaction to the first delivery they receive.


In this lesson, we will..

Create the workflow based on a template:

Create re-targeting activities based on the user's initial reaction to the email they received:

Configure the Email, Push, SMS, and Direct Mail channels:

Exercise 1.1 - Create the workflow

  1. Login to your lab machine with the following credentials

    • Username: [Lab number]
    • Password: summit2019
  2. Open https://exc-home.experiencecloud.adobe.com/exc-home/home.html#/ to access the ACS instance you will be working with.

    PLEASE NOTE: Check the appendix to find the instance number that has been assigned to you.

  3. Login with

  4. From the Home screen choose the tile Marketing activities

    Figure 1.1.1: Home Screen

    Figure 1.1.1: Home Screen

  5. On the Marketing activities screen, click on Create to create a new workflow

  6. On the next screen, double-click on Workflow

    Figure 1.1.2: CHoose the Workflow Marketing Activities - Workflow

    Figure 1.1.2: Choose the Workfow Marketing Activity

  7. Choose the Template:

    • Summit Lab 758

    Figure 1.1.3: Summit Lab Template

    Figure 1.1.3: Choose Template

  8. Click Next

  9. On the Properties screen, change the label to:

    • Summit Lab 758_XX
  10. Click Create.

  11. You should now see the pre-configured workflow Figure 1.1.4: Preconfigured Workflow

    Figure 1.1.4: Pre-configured Workflow

We can now complete the configuration of the workflow. In the next exercises, you will enhance the workflow by adding a follow up delivery to the email delivery and configure the channels.

Exercise 1.2 - Add a Wait activity

We need to give the customer time to react to the email, so we'll add a Wait activity

  1. Click on the Invitation to register Email activity in the workflow

    Figure 1.2.1: Email activity

    Figure 1.2.1: Email activity

  2. Click on the settings icon
    Figure 1.2.2: Email activity settings icon

  3. Under the General tab, choose:

    • Add an outbound transition with the population

    Figure 1.2.3: Email activity settings

    Figure 1.2.3: Email activity settings

  4. Click Confirm

  5. The Email activity now has an outbound transition

    Figure 1.2.4: Email activity outbound transition

    Figure 1.2.4: Email activity with outbound transition

  6. From the Activities panel on the left, expand the Execution pallette, drag and drop the Wait activity onto the canvas and connect it with the transition you created in step 4.

    Figure 1.2.5: Add the Wait activity

    Figure 1.2.5: Add the Wait activity

  7. Double-click on the Wait activity to configure it

  8. Change the Label to:

    • Wait 3 days
  9. Set the Duration to:

    • 3 days
  10. Click Confirm

The workflow will now wait 3 days before continuing this branch.

Figure 1.2.6: Configure Wait activity

Figure 1.2.6: Configure Wait activity

After 3 days, we will contact the loyalty members, who have not subscribed to the app, a second time. We will send a reminder email to those who have opened the email, but have not subscribed. We will use another channel for those who have not reacted at all to the email.

Exercise 1.3 - Segment the population

  1. From the Activities panel, expand the Targeting palette, and drag and drop the Segmentation activity onto the workflow.

  2. Connect the Segmentation activity to the outbound transition of the Wait activity you created in the previous exercise. Figure 1.3.1: Add Segmentation activity

    Figure 1.3.1: Add Segmentation activity

  3. For the next step, we will need the email delivery name and ID.

    1. Double-click on the Invitation to register Email activity in the workflow branch you are working on.
    2. You will be prompted to save the change, click save on the pop up.
    3. You will find the name and the delivery ID in the center of the top menu bar on the Summary screen that opens up.
    4. Please note or remember the name and ID.

    Figure 1.3.2: Email delivery ID Figure 1.3.2: Email delivery ID

  4. Double-click on the Segmentation activity to configure the segments.

  5. We are now on the Segments tab, where we will add two segments

    Segment 1: The user has not subscribed, but opened the email:

    1. Click on the default segment and then click the pencil icon that appears on the right:

      Figure 1.3.3: Add a segment Figure 1.3.3: Add a segment

    2. From the Explorer menu, drag and drop the Subscriptions to an application onto the canvas

      Figure 1.3.4: Add Subscriotions to an application filter

      Figure 1.3.4: Add Subscriptions to an application filter

    3. On the Add a rule screen, from the drop-down list, choose "Does not exist"

    4. From the Explorer tab on the left, drag and drop Mobile application onto the canvas

      Figure 1.3.5: Add Mobile application filter

      Figure 1.3.5: Add Mobile application filter

    5. On the Add a rule screen, under the Filter conditions, choose the Luma_App_## from the Value drop-down and click Confirm.

      Figure 1.3.6: Add the app

      Figure 1.3.6: Add the app

    6. From the Shortcuts tab on the left, expand Delivery, and drag and drop the Filter Opened to the canvas.

      Figure 1.3.7: Add Opened filter to segment

      Figure 1.3.7: Add Opened filter to segment

    7. Find the email delivery you identified in step 2 and double-click on it to add it.

      You should now have both filter criteria for the first segment defined

      Figure 1.3.8: Segment 1

      Figure 1.3.8: Segment 1

    8. Click Confirm

    9. Click on the Transition label of your first segment and click on the little pencil that appears to the left of the name.

    10. Rename the Transition label to:

      • not subscribed - opened email

    Segment 2: The user has not subscribed and has not opened the email

    1. Click on the button Add an element

    2. On the next screen, from the Explorer tab on the left, drag and drop the Subsriptions to an application onto the canvas

      Figure 1.3.9: Add Subscriptions to an application filter

      Figure 1.3.9: Add Subscriptions to an application filter

    3. On the Add a rule screen, from the drop-down list, choose "Does not exist"

    4. From the Explorer tab on the left, drag and drop Mobile application onto the canvas

      Figure 1.3.10: Add Mobile application filter

      Figure 1.3.10: Add Mobile application filter

    5. On the Add a rule screen, under the Filter conditions, select the Luma_App_## from the Value drop-down list and click Confirm

      Figure 1.3.11: Add the app

      Figure 1.3.11: Add the app

    6. On the next screen, click Confirm.

    7. On the Segment (subSet) screen, on the Shortcuts tab on the left, expand Delivery and drag and drop the Tracking logs filter onto the canvas.

    8. On the Add a rule screen from the drop-down list, select:

      • Does not exist , then select the email delivery you identified in step 2 from the drop-down below and double-click on it to add it.
    9. Click Confirm

      You should now have both filter criteria for the second segment defined

      Figure 1.3.12: Segment 2

      Figure 1.3.12: Segment 2

    10. Click Confirm

    11. Rename the Transition label for the transition you just created to:

      • not subscribed - did not open email

      Figure 1.3.13: Segments

      Figure 1.3.3: Segments

    12. On the General tab, change the label to:

      • Reaction
    13. Click Confirm to apply the settings and return to the workflow.

Exercise 1.4 - Add and configure an Email delivery

We will send a reminder email to the customers who have opened the first email, but have not registered with the app.

  1. Drag and drop an Email activity onto the canvas and connect it with the segmentation transition: not subscribed - opened email

    Figure 1.4.1: Email activity 2 Figure 1.4.1: Email activity 2

  2. Double-click on the Email activity you just added to configure it

  3. Select Single send email, click Next

  4. Select the email type: Send via email

  5. Click next

  6. Change the label to

    • Reminder to register XX

PLEASE NOTE: Don't forget to replace the XX with your participant number

  1. Click Next

  2. Double-click on Use Email Designer

  3. We will use a content template. To access the template, on the Email Designer Home screen, in the left navigation, click on Templates

  4. In the Filter Templates field, type:

    • Luma
  5. Hover over the LUMA - App Reminder template until the contextual toolbar appears and click on the pencil to apply the template.

Figure 1.4.3: Apply a template

Figure 1.4.3: Apply a template

  1. On the next screen click the Choose Template button.

  2. Let's add some personalization: Hover over the "Don't forget" heading, the text component will be highlighted in blue.

  3. Click in the text field, and set the cursor in front of "Don't".

  4. In the contextual toolbar, that appears on the top of the text component, click on the personalization icon.

    Figure 1.4.4: Personalize the email

    Figure 1.4.4: Personalize the email

  5. On the next screen, search for First Name, then select the field from the Context list below and click Confirm

    Figure 1.4.5: Choose personalization field

    Figure 1.4.5: Choose personalization field

  6. The personalization field has been added to the text component. You can now change the sentence to:

    • First name (firstName), don't forget!

    PLEASE NOTE: Do not modify the personalization field!

    Figure 1.4.6: Personalization field

    Figure 1.4.6: Personalization field

  7. Click on the delivery name at the top of the page, then add the subject name:

  • Don't forget to register!
  1. Click Close

Figure 1.4.7: Edit subject

Figure 1.4.7: Edit subject.

Pro Tip: You can add personalizaltion, content blocks and dynamic content to the subject line, by clicking on the pencil icon next to the subject field.

  1. On the Email Editor screen, click on the arrow next to the blue Save button and select Save and exit, now click on the blue Save and exit button.
  2. On the delivery summary page, on the left panel, click on the link to the workflow to return to the workflow

Figure 1.4.8: Return to workflow

Figure 1.4.8: Return to workflow

Exercise 1.5 - Add and configure a SMS delivery

We will contact those customers, who haven't opened the first email, a second time. If we have their mobile number, we will send the invitation via SMS, if not, we will send a reminder email.

  1. Add a new segment

    1. From the Activities panel expand the Targeting palette and drag and drop the Segmentation activity onto the workflow.

    2. Connect the Segmentation activity to the outbound transition not subscribed - did not open email of the segmentation you created in exercise 1.3.

    3. Double-click on the Segmentation activity to configure it.

    4. Click on the default segment and then click the pencil icon that appears on the right.

    5. From the Shortcuts panel, expand Profile and drag and drop the Mobile field onto the canvas

    6. On the Add a rule screen from the Operator drop-down list, choose Is not empty and click Confirm

      Figure 1.5.1: Segement configureation - mobile phone number is not empty

      Figure 1.5.1: Segement configureation - mobile phone number is not empty

    7. On the Segment screen, click Confirm

    8. Rename the Transition label to: Yes

    9. On the Advanced Options tab, in the Complement section, check Generate complement and change the Transition label to "No"

    10. On the General tab, change the label to: Mobile number?

    11. Click Confirm

    12. Your new segment activity should look like this:

      Figure 1.5.3: Segmentation by mobile number

      Figure 1.5.3: Segmentation by mobile number

    13. On the workflow, select the Email activity Reminder to register XX that you created in exercise 1.4

    14. On your keyboard, type Command + C to copy the Email activity, and then type Command + P to paste it onto the canvas.

      Note: For PC users the commands are ctrl + c and ctrl + p

    15. Connect the new Email activity to the No transition you just created.

  2. Add the SMS channel

    1. From the Activities panel expand the Channels palette, drag and drop a SMS delivery activity onto the canvas and connect it with the yes transition you just created.

    2. Double-click on the activity to configure it.

    3. On the next screen, select SMS and Do not add an outbound transition

      Figure 1.5.4: SMS send type

      Figure 1.5.4: SMS send type

    4. Click Next

    5. On the Creation mode screen, select SMS type Send via SMS (sms) and click Next

    6. On the Properties screen, change the Label to:

      • Invitation to register XX
    7. Click Next

    8. On the next screen, in the From field, enter: * 28444

    9. Let's create the message. We will start by adding personalization: Click on Insert personalization field from the top menu

    10. Search for First Name, and double-click on the corresponding field below to add it to the SMS

    11. The personalization field should have been added to the grey area on the phone. Set the cursor after the personalization field and add the following text:

      First name , don't forget to register with the new Luma app! You'll get a 20% discount on your next purchase!

      Find out more here: http://publish1034.adobedemo.com/content/luma/us/en.html

      Pro Tip: Instead of adding a link to a landing page, you could also add a link to the app store (e.g https://itunes.apple.com/[countrycode]/app/[YOUR APP NAME]/[YOUR UNIQUE APP ID]?mt=8)

      Figure 1.5.5: SMS content

      Figure 1.5.5: SMS content

    12. Click Confirm

    13. On the delivery summary page click on the link to the workflow on the left panel, to return to the workflow.

    We have added a new branch to the workflow:

    Figure 1.5.6: New branch

    Figure 1.5.6: New branch

Exercise 1.6 - Configure the Push delivery

In this exercise, we will configure the Push delivery which will be sent to the loyalty members who have already registered with the app.

  1. Double-click on the Push notification activity named CONFIGURE Push notification to edit it.

    Figure 1.6.1: Push activity

    Figure 1.6.1: Push activity

  2. On the Send type screen, select Single notification and Do not add an outbound transition and click Next

    Figure 1.6.2: Push send type

    Figure 1.6.2: Push send type

  3. On the Creation mode screen, select Push notification type L758-Send push to Campaign profile and click Next

  4. On the properties screen, change the Label to:

    • 20% discount XX
  5. From the Associate a Mobile App to a delivery drop-down list, select Luma_App_## and click Next Figure 1.6.3: Push properties

    Figure 1.6.3: Push properties

  6. We are now on the content configuration screen. Let's personalize the message title: Click in the pencil next to the Message title field to edit the field.

  7. On the Message title screen, set the cursor in front of the sentence and click on Insert personalization field in the top navigation of this window.

  8. In the context section, scroll down to Profile and expand, find First Name(firstName) and double-click to add the field to the text.

  9. Modify the text as shown below

    Figure 1.6.4: Message title

    Figure 1.6.4: Message title

  10. Click Confirm

  11. On the content configuration screen, expand the >Advanced options section and in the Add a deeplink add:

  12. Click Create to create the Push delivery

  13. On the delivery summary page click on the link to the workflow on the left panel, to return to the workflow.

Exercise 1.7 - Configure the Direct Mail delivery

In this exercise we will configure a Direct mail delivery.

Note: In the Direct mail delivery, we will not be configuring the actual creative, but the list of recipients with all required attributes. This is the information Luma will provide to the provider who will prepare and mail the marketing material to the customers.

  1. Double-click on the Direct mail delivery activity named CONFIGURE Direct mail delivery to edit it.

    Figure 1.7.1: Direct mail delivery activity

    Figure 1.7.1: Direct mail delivery activity

  2. On the Send type screen, select Direct Mail and Add an outbound transition with the population then click Next

    Figure 1.7.2: Direct mail send type

    Figure 1.7.2: Direct mail send type

  3. On the Creation mode screen, select direct mail type Deliver by direct mail

  4. On the properties screen, change the Label to:

    • Invitation by direct mail XX
  5. Click Next

  6. Configure the File name and the columns that need to be added to the output file (recipients' names and addresses)

    1. On the properties screen, on the Extraction tab, enter the file name for your output file: Direct Mail XX

    2. Click on the default output column and click on the trash can icon to remove it

    3. Click on Create element

    4. On the New output column dialogue box, click on the folder icon next to the expression field

    5. Under Profile, find First Name and double-click on it to add it.

    6. Click Add

      Figure 1.7.3 Direct mail add new column

      Figure 1.7.3 Direct mail add new column

    7. Repeat steps 3.- 7. to add the following columns:

      • Last Name
      • Complete address (can be found under under Postal address)
    8. We have now defined the file name and the output colummns:

      Figure 1.7.4: Direct mail - Extraction tab

      Figure 1.7.4: Direct mail - Extraction tab

  7. Click on the File Structure tab to Review the File structure settings

    Figure 1.7.5: Direct mail - File structure

    Figure 1.7.5: Direct mail - File structure

  8. Click Create to create the Direct mail delivery

  9. On the delivery summary page click on the schedule section

  10. In the Start Sending from field, add select tomorrow's date.

  11. Click confirm.

  12. On the delivery summary page, click on the link to the workflow on the left panel, to return to the workflow.

Info: By default, each delivery will require a confirmation before it is sent. To exectue a delivery immediately, without prior confirmation: On the delivery summary pages, go to the Schedule section and uncheck Request confirmation before sending messages .

Lesson 2 - Build an event-triggered workflow


  1. Learn how to set up an event triggered workflow
  2. Understand how to configure In-App messages

Lesson Context

Luma would like the loyalty members who registered with the app to receive an In-App message informing them of the 20% discount. The offer will be valid until April 30, 2019.

This requires an event-triggered workflow that triggers the In-App messages which will appear when the user opens the app the next time after registering their account.

The workflow will look like this:

Figure 2.1: Event-triggered workflow

Figure 2.1: Event-triggered workflow


We will configure a Scheduler activity that will trigger the workflow every 10 minutes. We will also configure an **Incremental Query ** activity, that will check for new users who have registered with the app since the last execution of the workflow.

Exercise 2.0 - Create the workflow

  1. From the Home screen, choose the tile Marketing activities
  2. On the Marketing activities screen, click Create to create a new workflow
  3. On the next screen, click on Workflow
  4. Choose the Template New workflow and click Next
  5. On the Properties screen, change the label:
    • Summit Lab 758_XX - In App
  6. Click Create.

Exercise 2.1 - Create a scheduler

  1. On the workflow screen, from the Activities panel on the left, extend the >Execution palette and drag and drop the Scheduler activity onto the canvas

  2. Double-click on the Scheduler activity to configure it.

    Figure 2.1.1: Scheduler activity

    Figure 2.1.1: Scheduler activity

  3. On the General tab

    1. From the Execution frequency drop-down list, select: Several times a day

    2. Set the radio button to: Periodic

    3. Under Repeat processing according to the following frequency, click on the clock symbol.

    4. Select Minute and 10

      Please note: The Repetition frequency of the activity cannot be less than 10 minutes. It means that a workflow cannot be automatically executed more than once every 10 minutes.

    5. Set the Expiration to On a specific date

    6. In the date field, enter: 04/30/2019

      Figure 2.1.2: Scheduler activity - General tab

      Figure 2.1.2: Scheduler activity - General tab

    7. Click Confirm

Exercise 2.2 - Create an Incremental Query

  1. On the Activities panel, expand the Targeting palette, drag and drop the Incremental Query activity onto the workflow and connect it to the outbound transition of the Scheduler activity you created in the previous exercise.

    Figure:2.2.1: Incremental query

    Figure:2.2.1: Incremental query

  2. Double-click on the Incremental query activity to customize it.

  3. On the Target tab, from the Explorer menu, drag and drop the Subsription to an application onto the canvas

  4. On the Add a rule screen, from the drop-down list, choose Exists

  5. From the Explorer menu drag and drop Mobile application onto the canvas

  6. On the Add a rule screen, under the Filter conditions, choose the Luma_App_## as Value and click Confirm

    Figure 2.2.2: Add the app

    Figure 2.2.2: Add the app

  7. Your rule should look like this:

    Figure 2.2.3: Subscription filter

    Figure 2.3.3: Subscription filter

  8. Click confirm

  9. On the Target tab, from the Shortcuts menu, drag and drop the Loyalty Member onto the canvas

  10. On the Add a rule screen, under Filter Conditions, choose Value Yes

  11. Click Confirm

    Figure 2.2.4: Incremental query

    Figure 2.2.4: Incremental query

  12. On the Properties tab, change the label to: New app subscribers

  13. Click Confirm

Exercise 2.3 - Configure the In-App notification

  1. On the Activities panel, expand the Channels palette and drag and drop the In-App delivery activity onto the workflow.

  2. Connect it to the outbound transition of the Incremental query activity you created in the previous exercise.

    Figure 2.3.1: In-App delivery Figure 2.3.1: In-App delivery

  3. Double-click on the In-App delivery activity to customize it.

  4. Select Send type Single notification and the radio button Do not add an outbound transition

    Figure 2.3.2: In-App - Send type

    Figure 2.3.2: In-App - Send type

  5. On the Creation mode screen, select message type: Target users based on their Campaign profile

    Figure 2.3.3: In-App - Message type

    Figure 2.3.3: In-App - Message type

  6. Click Next

  7. On the Properties screen, change the label to:

    • 20% discount XX
  8. From the Associate a Mobil App to a delivery drop-down, select the Luma_App_## and click Confirm

    Figure 2.3.4 In-App properties

    Figure 2.3.4 In-App properties

  9. Click Next

  10. On the Triggers screen, from the Shortcuts menu, expand >Life Cycle Events and drag and drop the Life Cycle Events filter onto the canvas

    Figure 2.3.5 In-App triggers Figure 2.3.5 In-App triggers

  11. On the rule configuration screen, select Launched from the Life Cycle Events drop-down list, and click Confirm

    Figure 2.3.6 In-App configure rule

    Figure 2.3.6 In-App configure rule

  12. On the Frequency & Duration tab, from the Choose a frequency for this trigger drop-down list, select Once-only the first time the trigger criteria is met.

  13. Set the start date to today, select the end date: 04/30/2019

  14. Make sure Every day and All day are checked

  15. Click Next

    Figure 2.3.7: In-App - frequency & duration

    Figure 2.3.7: In-App - frequency & duration

  16. We will configure the In-App message on the Content page:

    1. In the Mode section, select message Template

    2. In the Layout section, select Large Modal

    3. In the Media section, select Media Type Image

    4. Copy and paste the following URL into the Media URL field: http://publish1034.adobedemo.com/content/luma/us/en/equipment/_jcr_content/root/responsivegrid/category_teaser_2082536754.coreimg.1024.jpeg/1542688176051.jpeg

    5. In the Text section, add the Message title: , claim your 20% discount.

    6. To add personalization, click on the pencil icon

    7. Set the cursor in front of the sentence and click on Insert personalization field.

    8. Scroll down to Profile and expand it, then enter First Name into the search field.

    9. Double-click on First Name (firstName) to add it to the Message title

    10. Click Confirm.

    11. Add the Message Content: As a Luma loyalty member you are eligible for a 20% discount on your first purchase with the app.

    12. In the Buttons section, under Primary:

      • Add the Button Text: ok

      • Action: Dismiss the message

        Pro tip: You can also redirect the user to a page within your app. For this you would need to set the Action to: Redirect to destination URL and add a deep link. You could personalize the link, e.g., based on the gender, to redrict to the womens' or the mens' apparel section of the app.

        Figure 2.3.7: In-App - Settings with redirect

        Figure 2.3.7: In-App - Settings with redirect

  17. Click Preview in the top-left corner, to preview the message and check that personalization is applied correctly.

    1. Click on Select a test profile
    2. Select a profile and click Confirm
    3. Close the preview window
  18. Click on Create to create the delivery

  19. You can review all settings on the Summary page

    Figure 2.3.8: In-App - Summary

    Figure 2.3.8: In-App - Summary

  20. To return to the workflow, click on the link in the left panel.

Next Steps

Visit the additional resources listed below to learn more about the delivery channels.

Additional Resources

Feature videos and tutorials:


Instance Allocation

Participant [XX] Instance [##] Assigned Instance Participant [XX] Instance [##] Assigned Instance
01 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 46 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
02 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 47 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
03 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 48 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
04 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 49 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
05 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 50 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
06 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 51 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
07 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 52 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
08 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 53 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
09 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 54 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
10 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 55 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
11 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 56 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
12 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 57 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
13 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 58 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
14 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 59 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
15 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 60 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
16 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 61 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
17 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 62 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
18 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 63 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
19 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 64 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
20 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 65 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
21 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 66 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
22 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 67 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
23 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 68 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
24 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 69 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
25 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 70 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
26 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 71 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
27 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 72 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
28 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 73 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
29 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 74 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
30 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 75 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
31 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 76 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
32 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 77 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
33 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 78 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
34 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 79 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
35 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 80 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
36 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 81 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
37 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 82 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
38 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 83 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
39 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 84 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
40 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 85 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
41 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 86 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
42 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com 87 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com
43 04 https://acpm04.campaign-demo.adobe.com 88 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com
44 05 https://acpm05.campaign-demo.adobe.com 89 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
45 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com 90 03 https://acpm03.campaign-demo.adobe.com
91 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
92 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
93 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
94 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com
95 06 https://acpm06.campaign-demo.adobe.com